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Before you explore our website, it’s important to understand and acknowledge the following disclaimer. PinoyScholar is an independent online platform dedicated to providing exam preparation resources. Please read the following information carefully.

Not Affiliated with Government Offices

PinoyScholar is not affiliated, associated, or connected in any way with any government offices in the Philippines. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information related to government exams, we are an independent entity offering educational resources for exam preparation. Our content is created with the sole purpose of aiding learners in their preparation for government position exams.

Original Content

All content on PinoyScholar, including study materials, mock exams, articles, and any other information provided, is created by our team of educators, researchers, and content creators. We take pride in producing original, high-quality content to support learners on their academic journeys. Any resemblance to external sources is purely coincidental.

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Some information on PinoyScholar may be freely available online or in the public domain. We curate and present this information to provide a centralized and accessible platform for exam preparation. Our goal is to enhance the learning experience by consolidating relevant materials and offering them to learners in an organized manner.

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While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the content on PinoyScholar. Learners are encouraged to cross-reference information and seek professional advice when necessary.

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Users are responsible for the choices they make based on the information provided on PinoyScholar. We encourage users to verify critical information independently and consult official sources, especially when it comes to government regulations, exams, and related matters.

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PinoyScholar reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of users to review this disclaimer periodically to stay informed of any changes.

By accessing and using PinoyScholar, you agree to abide by this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Thank you for choosing PinoyScholar for your exam preparation needs.